Ninja Tag


Objective: Play an active game while learning spacial awareness; use imagination to improve the game.

Why teach this lesson? Like many of the games by Aware Teacher, this game of tag does not end in defeat. Instead, players have a way to help their friends who get tagged.

Materials: None

Number of players: 3+


Divide the group into taggers and ninjas using your preferred method.

Taggers: Your objective is to tag friends on their arm or shoulder (not head, legs, or torso).

Ninjas: Your objective is to run sneakily away from the taggers.

Hiding: Ninjas have an option to “hide” from taggers for 5 seconds at a time. To do so, cover your face with both hands so that taggers can’t see you. Taggers cannot guard a hiding ninja.

When Tagged: Stand still and make your hands and arms into a board in front of you.

To Be Freed: A friend shouts, “hi-ya!” and gently pretends to chop your arms (the board) apart.


Mix up the game by pretending to be witches, wizards, fairies, or other characters.

Make sure to give your friends the opportunity to change and add rules.

Reflection Questions

  1. 1. What do you do with your eyes, ears, and mouth while running?

  2. 2. How do you tag safely?

  3. 3. How can we change this game to make it even more fun - what other character could you be? How would you hide and what would you do when tagged?


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