Fish Meditation

Why practice this meditation?

This meditation helps us to feel, name, and then let go of our most salient emotions. It helps us to identify other feelings that we have inside but may not have noticed.


[Facilitator: guide the participants through this meditation. You may choose to model the answers during the first round and back off in subsequent rounds. Feel free to use this script or modify it.]


Close your eyes and pretend you are the ocean. Imagine the water rushing around you. You can rock back and forth.

Look inside your ocean. Do you see any fish?

Pick one fish:

  • What color is it? (facilitator can model the first time through: “mine is silver”)

  • Is it big or small? (“it’s long with small fins”)

  • Is it swimming fast or slow? (“darting quickly”)

  • Is it alone or swimming in a school of fish? (“it’s swimming with many others”)

  • How does the fish feel? (“it feels excited”)

Sometimes we only focus on one fish because it is all we see at the moment. But when we zoom out we see we are a big ocean with many different fish.

[Repeat as many times as you wish]


Whisper after me:

  • I am a big beautiful ocean,

  • I have many fish,

  • My fish and the feelings will swim away,

  • that’s normal and healthy,

  • A healthy ocean has many types of fish.


Bell Meditation


Mindful Sitting